Friday, February 12, 2010

It could be worse.

We have all been in situations where something bad has happened, we didn't think we were going to make it through something, or no one understood what we were going through. It happens all the time. I was thinking about this today and applied it to how I have acted the past few weeks. Some hard things have been thrown my way, and I have had those sulky feelings and I have moaned and complained to those closest to me. I failed to realize something very important. It isn't always about me. I stumbled across this quote:

" When you are struggling with
something, look at all of the people
around you and realize that every
single person you see is struggling with
something & to them its just as
hard as what you're going through."

I think this something everyone needs to take in account the next time something doesn't work out or go as planned. The next time you go to whine to your friend, think about the things that are going on in their lives. Sometimes people make it seem like everything is ok, when it really isn't. Take that into consideration. If everyone considered how another person felt, chances are more people would feel like their struggle could be overcome. All I'm saying is a little help and advice goes along way...especially when you are the one who needs help,and it is always smart to consider the way others are feeling. Just because someone gives you advice, doesn't mean they don't need your advice too.


  1. wow a perfect first post :)
    i completely agree. everyone feels the same way at one time or another and it sucks to go through sometimes but putting yourself in that person's shoes definitely makes them feel a whole lot better.
    welcome to blogging :)

  2. thanks anisah!clearly i still need a little help with the page layout and making it prettier, so i guess a blog 101 date soon!:)
